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Kras & Bijvoet & The Valerie Solanas


Kras & Bijvoet & The Valerie Solanas

album release
WE 22.01.2014 20:30

Valerie Solanas was a radical feminist who became famous for her clumsy attempt (three shots!) to murder Andy Warhol. The provocation was an argument running several years about a Solanas script which Warhol had lost.

This won’t happen easily to the Antwerp band, The Valerie Solanas. On their second complete album Amazons (Green L.F. Ant) they hit the target time after time with their entreating music full of poetry – yes, seriously. ‘Dandyesque Grootstad-Weltschmerz’ (Dandyesque Metropolis Melancholy) is what they call it.

A group of male feminist poetry-lovers with a new record release? Try explaining that in Brussels, guys.

in collaboration with LC Music

Kafee open: 17:00
Doors Zilveren zaal: 19:30
Kras & Bijvoet: 20:30
The Valerie Solanas: 21:30