Sanaz Azari I comme Iran

Brussels, behind the closed doors of a classroom. Based on a handbook about the Islamic revolution, Sanaz Azari, the film’s director, learns how to read and write in Persian, her mother tongue.

SA 25.04.2014 20:30 premiere

During lessons, a teacher introduces her to the rudiments of the language, and thereby also the point of entry into the Iranian history and culture.
Gradually the lessons evolve into a poetic, visual collage which questions the concept of ‘freedom’ and calls into question the essence of revolution.

Subtitles in French / English

In Persian

FR, 2014, 50 min
Co-production Beursschouwburg

Direction & script: Sanaz Azari
With Behrouz Majidi
Image: Vincent Pinckaers
Sound: Frédéric Meert - Matthieu Roche
Editing: Effi Weiss
Sound editing: Maxime Coton
Sound mix: Laurent Martin (Empire Digital)
Editing intervention: Amir Borenstein
"Étalonnage": Miléna Trivier
Executive Producers: Cyril Bibas (CVB)
Production Manager: Olivier Burlet - Maud Girault
Production: Centre Vidéo de Bruxelles - CVB - Michel Steyaert
Coproduction: RTBF Télévision belge – Unité de Programmes Documentaires - Wilbur Leguebe | CBA - Centre de l'Audiovisuel à Bruxelles - Javier Packer-Comyn
With the support of: Beursschouwburg Brussels - Helena Kritis
With the help of: Centre du Cinéma et de l'audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles VOO (TV-NET-TEL) de la Région Bruxelles-Capitale et la Commission communautaire française (Cocof)

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