Beyond The Momentum: Solidarity Constellations (Part I) w/ Lagrange Points, Librairie Météores & Terrasses Editions

A first of a series of assemblies on transnational accounts of liberation. With Lucas Catherine, Greg Thomas and publishers from Editions Terrasses (in EN).

SA 23.10.2021 16:00
SA 23.10.2021 19:00 at Lagrange Points Brussels

‘Solidarity Constellations’ is a series of assemblies that gather militants, researchers and artists to engage with the imagination and presentness of transnational histories of liberation. It explores in particular how the Palestinian resistance movement became situated in and connected to a vast wave of global struggles against imperialism during the long 1960s. The project proposes an open, experimental practice to facilitate forms of collective remembering that allow for traces of solidarity to re-emerge.

‘Solidarity Constellations’ are cooked in the Kitchen, with shared ingredients of Subversive Film and Eye On Palestine, and the kind support of Sint-Lucas School of Arts, Antwerp, KASK, School of Arts, Ghent and OMAM, Université Libre de Bruxelles.


In Part I, our inaugural assembly, we present our project Re:Prints and discuss with historian Lucas Catherine, a curated series of political posters collected during the seventies and eighties which connect Belgium to Palestine, Vietnam and beyond in the context of Third World liberation movements. Additionally, we host a book talk and discussion around the political writings of Dhoruba Bin Wahad, a former member of the Black Panther Party, with Professor of English and Black Studies Greg Thomas and the publishers from Editions Terrasses. Part I is the result of an exciting collaboration with Lagrange Points, Librairie Météores and Terrasses Editions, with the support of Beurschouwburg, as part of the conversation series ‘Beyond the Momentum’.


@ Beursschouwburg (doors 15:30 starts 16:00)
With Lucas Catherine Part I opens up with Re:Prints, a research in progress that deals with the lives and afterlives of a poster collection cared for by Lucas Catherine and Thérèse Vande Wiele, former members of the Belgium Palestine National Committee (CNP) during the 1970-80s. The stories the posters tell, their reception, function and circulation speak to the visual culture and social histories of anticolonial and liberation struggles and also help us consider renewed histories of the future. We present and discuss a curated series of political posters from this archive and discuss with Lucas Catherine transnational histories of solidarity that connect Belgium to Palestine, Vietnam and beyond in the context of Third World liberation movements. Lucas Catherine is a Brussels-based historian and prolific storyteller. A 'historian of forgotten affairs’, Lucas writes histories from below to deal with questions of colonisation and decolonisation, in particular those related to Belgium, Congo, Palestine and the Arab world. His books include among many others, ‘Palestine. History of a colonisation’, ‘The decolonisation trail. Walking along Congo heritage in Belgium’ and the upcoming ‘Colonial Belgium’.

@ Lagrange Points Brussels (19:00)
“From Harlem to Algiers, from Accra to Paris and Beyond: Internationalist Traditions and Translations of Black Liberation Movement.” A book presentation by Greg Thomas and publishers from Editions Terrasses On the occasion of the recent publication of “From Harlem to Algiers, from Accra to Paris and Beyond: Internationalist Traditions and Translations of Black Liberation Movement.” the trilingual edition of political writings by Dhoruba Bin Wahad, a former member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army and a political prisoner of war of 18 years in the “United States of Amerika” the book will be presented byGreg Thomas, author of the preface to the book and a Professor of literature and Black Studies at Tufts University. These writings show us a path of study and analysis of the radical and internationalist traditions of Black Liberation Movement, despite its Establishment vilification, distortion and exploitive commercialization in recent years: How to analyze liberation struggles in praxis? How to organize ourselves in the light of the historical experiences and knowledge of resistance, self-defense and revolutionary love that Black Liberation Movement traditions carried and continue to carry on, often as a vanguard? How can publishing and translation work take part in the struggle for Black liberation and the liberation of All?

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