Ébana Garín & Luis Guenel

During their residency in Beurs’, the research “Bailar la ruina” (Dancing the ruin) turned to the particular relationship between the body of a woman and the body of a ruined house from southern Chile. 


Bailar la Ruina (Dancing the ruin) is a research that questions the meaning of “home” and “to live” in a historical moment in which our hyper-capitalist society thrives every day to kill off the local identities of territories. The research seeks to reflect on how capitalism and gentrification charge forward globally at a frightening speed, homogenizing local identities, tending to sanitize individuals’ tracks in the name of supposed progress, eliminating gradually the humble rural home, and the small corner shop to make way for modern architecture that serves only consumption.

Human beings cannot live alone, they need ties, landscapes, whether to find or lose themselves in, after all a home is made with others, the community, neighbours.

In the context of a global pandemic, the research asks about possible futures. How much time do we have left? What future are we building when we exhaust our natural resources, obliterate our memory and submit ourselves to untiring productivity?

"In an era obsessed by progress we wish to reflect on the ideas of house and home, this space that we’ve been confined to in the last year, and from where we can imagine times to come, how to construct communities and re-establish our social fabric. We bring these ruins with the hope of transforming them into a small ray of light, around which love can revolve, and our beauty can re-emerge. The beauty of being together once again, even though our bodies are in ruins." - Ébana & Luis


Ébana is a Chilean actress, director and filmmaker, currently a participant of DAS Theatre based in Amsterdam. She has developed a line of scenic and performative research during the last 8 years in collaboration with the University of Chile and the Chilean Government. Her research has focused on the "undisciplining" of bodies on stage; both performers and spectators. The question that has circulated in her work is how to blur the frontiers and limits that delimit disciplines, communities, geographies and also demarcate bodies. At the same time, she has worked in theatre and circus companies as an actress, trapeze artist and dancer, and as an audiovisual producer in different television and film projects. His work has been shown both in Chile and in Europe. Ébana Garín currently co-directs with Luis Guenel the Cuerpo Sur collective , with which they are currently developing the projects Mutilados en democracia (Mutilated in democracy) and Bailar la ruina (Dancing the ruin).

Luis Guenel is a Chilean theatre maker, currently participant of DAS Theatre, based in Amsterdam. Over his 14 year-long professional career as Director of the Niño Proletario Theatre Company he has focused on finding his own artistic voice, which has developed with a strong emphasis on the themes of identity, territory and memory. With this company he has staged the plays With this company he has staged the plays: Hunger, Storm, The Olive Tree, The Other, The Misery Neighbourhood, FULGOR, Don´t Be Afraid) and Nobody Reads Fire While Everything is Burning.) the length and breadth of Chile, in Latin America and Europe. In each of the plays, his particular take on popular and marginalized issues, their convincing stage settings, and his direction of renowned, experienced actors have been highly-acclaimed by specialist critics. 


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