Library - The Future is Feminist

Have a drink while borrowing a book at Beurscafé.

17 OCT — 22 DEC 2017


thanks to RoSa vzw

Angelou, Maya Letter to my daughter 
Aragón, Angela Pattatucci Challenging lesbian norms: intersex, transgender, intersectional, and queer perspectives 
Baker, Paul Using corpora to analyze gender 
Bendadi, Samira Dolle Amina's: feminisme in de Arabische wereld 
Berger, Anne Emmanuelle The queer turn in feminism: identities, sexualities, and the theater of gender 
Black, Naomi Virginia Woolf as feminist 
Bordo, Susan Unbearable weight: feminism, western culture, and the body 
Bornstein, Kate Gender outlaw: on men, women, and the rest of US 
Bornstein, Kate My new gender workbook: a step-by-step guide to achieving world peace through gender anarchy and sex positivity 
Boyd, Nan Alamilla Bodies of evidence: the practice of queer oral history 
Braidotti, Rosi Een beeld van een vrouw: de visualisering van het vrouwelijke in een postmoderne cultuur
Braidotti, Rosi Metamorphoses: towards a materialist theory of becoming 
Bromley, Victoria L. Feminisms matter: debates, theories, activism 
Buikema, Rosemarie Gender in media, kunst en cultuur 
Butler, Judith Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of 'sex' 
Butler, Judith Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity 
Butler, Judith Sexualités, genres et mélancolie: s'entretenir avec Judith Butler 
Byrd, Rudolph P. I am your sister: collected and unpublished writings of Audre Lorde 
Calasanti, Toni M. Age matters: realigning feminist thinking 
Castro Borrego, Silvia Pilar Identities on the move: contemporary representations of new sexualities and gender identities 
Clarke, Amy M. Ursula K. Le Guin's journey to post-feminism 
Collins, Patricia Hill Black feminist thought: knowledge, consciousness and the politics of empowerment 
Cook, Matt Queer cities, queer cultures: Europe since 1945 
Crispin, Jessa Why I am not a feminist: a feminist manifesto 
Crossley, Alison Dahl Finding feminism: millennial activists and the unfinished gender revolution 
Davis, Angela With my mind on freedom: an autobiography 
Davis, Angela Y. Women, race & class 
De Veaux, Alexis Warrior poet: a biography of Audre Lorde 
Detsi-Diamanti, Zoe The future of flesh: a cultural survey of the body 
Domínguez Ruvalcaba, Héctor Translating the queer: body politics and transnational conversations
Dowling, Colette De mythe van breekbaarheid: vrouwen op weg naar fysieke gelijkheid 
Driedger, Diane Living the edges: a disabled women's reader 
El Saadawi, Nawal The hidden face of Eve: women in the Arab 
El Saadawi, Nawal Walking through fire: a life of Nawal El Saadawi 
El-Tayeb, Fatima European others: queering ethnicity in postnational Europe 
Ensler, Eve In the body of the world: a memoir 
Farrell, Amy Erdman Fat shame: stigma and the fat body in American culture aarnr. Cm/0085 
Fawcett, Barbara Feminist perspectives on disability 
Fernald, Anne E. Virginia Woolf: feminism and the reader 
Foss, Sonja K. Gender Stories: negotiating identity in a binary world Long 
Fraser, Mariam Identity without selfhood: Simone de Beauvoir and bisexuality 
Fraustino, Lisa Rowe Mothers in children's and young adult literature: from the eighteenth century to postfeminism 
Freedman, Estelle B. No turning back: the history of feminism and the future of women 
Friedman, Asia Blind to sameness: sexpectations and the social construction of male and female bodies 
Frye, Marilyn The politics of reality: essays in feminist theory 
Gajjala, Radhika Cyberfeminism 2.0 
Gherovici, Patricia Please select your gender: from the invention of hysteria to the democratizing of transgenderism 
Groeneveld, Elizabeth Making feminist media: third-wave magazines on the cusp of the digital age 
Halberstam, J. Female masculinity 
Halberstam, J. Gaga feminism: sex, gender, and the end of normal 
Halberstam, J. In a queer time and place: transgender bodies, subcultural lives 
Halberstam, J. The queer art of failure 
Haraway, Donna Een cyborg manifest Amsterdam 
Harris, Andrea L. Other sexes: rewriting difference from Woolf to Winterson 
Hawthorne, Susan Cyberfeminism: connectivity, critique and creativity 
Hoeveler, Diane Long Women's literary creativity and the female body 
Hooks, bell Feminism is for everybody : passionate politics 
Hooks, bell Feminist theory: from margin to center 
Howells, Coral Ann The Cambridge companion to Margaret Atwood 
Huffer, Lynne Are the lips a grave? a queer feminist on the ethics of sex 
Jason, Philip K. Anais Nin reader 
Keilty, Patrick Feminist and queer information studies reader 
Killermann, Sam The social justice advocate's handbook: a guide to gender 
Krieger, Nick Nina here nor there: my journey beyond gender 
Krijnen, Tonny Gender and media: representing, producing, consuming 
Levy, Ariel Female chauvinist pigs: women and the rise of raunch culture 
Lewis, Holly The politics of everybody: feminism, queer theory, and marxism at the intersection 
Lorde, Audre Oog in oog: essays en lezingen 
Lykke, Nina Between monsters, goddesses and cyborgs: feminist confrontations with science, medicine and cyberspace 
Macpherson Slettedahl, Heidi The Cambridge introduction to Margaret Atwood 
Majaj, Lisa Suhair Intersections: gender, nation, and community in Arab women's novels 
Mak, Geertje Doubting sex: inscriptions, bodies and selves in nineteenth-century hermaphrodite case histories 
Malti-Douglas, Fedwa Men, women, and God(s): Nawal El Saadawi and Arab feminist poetics 
Marinucci, Mimi Feminism is queer: the intimate connection between queer and feminist theory 
Marso, Lori J. Fifty-one key feminist thinkers 
Martinsson, Lena Norm-struggles: sexualities in contentions 
May, Vivian M. Pursuing intersectionality, unsettling dominant imaginaries 
McCallum, E.L. Queer times, queer becomings 
Mernissi, Fatima Beyond the veil: male-female dynamics in a modern muslim society 
Mernissi, Fatima Sultanes: de macht van vrouwen in de wereld van de islam 
Mernissi, Fatima Women and Islam: a historical and theological enquiry 
Miller, Casey The handbook of non-sexist writing for writers, editors and speakers 
Mills, Sara Language, gender and feminism: theory, methodology and practice 
Moeslein-Teising, Ingrid The female body: inside and outside 
Moran, Patricia Word of mouth: body language in Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf 
Morland, Iain Queer theory 
Motschenbacher, Heiko Language, gender and sexual identity: poststructuralist perspectives 
Munford, Rebecca Feminism & popular culture: investigating the postfeminist mystique 
Nayak, Suryia Race, gender and the activism of black feminist theory: working with Audre Lorde 
Newson-Horst, Adele The essential Nawal El Saadawi: a reader 
Nin, Anaïs Delta of Venus 
Nischik, Reingard M. Engendering genre: the works of Margaret Atwood: including an interview with Margaret Atwood 
Nischik, Reingard M. Margaret Atwood: works and impact 
O'Reilly, Andrea Mothers and daughters : connection, empowerment, and transformation 
Pattynama, Pamela Passages: vrouwelijke adolescentie als verhaal en vertoog 
Pepe (e.a.), Victoria I call myself a feminist 
Phipps, Alison The politics of the body: gender in a neoliberal and neoconservative age 
Price, Janet Feminist theory and the body: a reader 
Rassel, Laurence Cyberfeminisme 
Reiche, Claudia Cyberfeminism. Next protocols 
Rodgers, Catherine Le Deuxième sexe de Simone de Beauvoir : un héritage admiré et contesté 
Roe, Sue The Cambridge companion to Virginia Woolf 
Rohy, Valerie Anachronism and its others: sexuality, race, temporality 
Rousso, Harilyn Don't call me inspirational: a disabled feminist talks back 
Rowbotham, Sheila Dreamers of a new day: women who invented the twentieth century 
Russ, Joanna Andere levens, andere letteren 
Salih, Sara The Judith Butler reader 
Sceats, Sarah Food, consumption and the body in contemporary women's fiction 
Schantz, Ned Gossip, letters, phones: the scandal of female networks in film and literature 
Spoon, Rae Gender failure 
Stone, Amy L. Out of the closet, into the archives: researching sexual histories 
Taylor, Yvette Queer presences and absences 
Taylor, Yvette Theorizing intersectionality and sexuality 
Thomas, Maud-Yeuse Transféminismes 
Thornham, Helen Renewing feminisms: radical narratives, fantasies and futures in media studies 
Tolan, Fiona Margaret Atwood: feminism and fiction 
Trier-Bieniek, Adrienne The Beyoncé effect: essays on sexuality, race and feminism 
Valk, Anne M. Radical sisters: second wave feminism and black liberation in Washington, DC 
Van der Gaag, Nikki Feminism and men 
Van Heesch, Margriet Augustina Ze wisten niet of ik een jongen of een meisje was: kennis, keuze en geslachtsvariaties: over het leven met en het kennen van intersekse condities in Nederland 
Veaux, Franklin More than two: a practical guide to ethical polyamory 
Volcano, Del Lagrace Femmes of power: exploding queer femininities 
Walker, Alice The color purple 
Walker, Stephen Helen Chadwick: constructing identities between art and architecture 
Warnke, Georgia After identity: rethinking race, sex, and gender 
Wekker, Gloria Praten in het donker: multiculturalisme en anti-racisme in feministisch perspectief 
Wendell, Susan The rejected body: feminist philosophical reflections on disability 
White, Evelyn C. Alice Walker: a life 
White, Michele The body and the screen: theories of internet spectatorship 
Wilchins, Riki Queer theory, gender theory: an instant primer 
Willey, Angela Undoing monogamy: the politics of science and the possibilities of biology 
Winterson, Jeanette Kunstobjecten: essays over extase en onbeschaamdheid 
Wolf, Naomi Aan de slag! een aanzet tot de derde feministische golf 
Wolf, Naomi Vagina, a new biography 
Woolf, Virginia A room of one's own 
Zack, Naomi Inclusive feminism: a third wave theory of women's commonality

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