Lust For Youth + Melatonini
SA 10.10.2015 20:30

Lust For Youth (SW/DK)

Hannes Norrvide’s early solo albums under the Lust for Youth moniker have been described as “dark, cold, atonal, tormented, lonely, and lower than lo-fi.” The approach onInternational has shifted dramatically. Writing as a three-piece now, with longtime live collaborator Loke Rahbek and new band member Malthe Fischer, who produces and plays guitar, LFY have entered a completely new territory. The result is stunning. International is a buoyant synth masterpiece in the vein of early Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys and New Order. Norrvide’s work has always had pop sensibilities buried deep in the reverb, but the hooks are front and center on International, and there is nothing lo-fi about it.


is an electronica duet based in Brussels, Belgium with minimalistic sound, female soul-inspired vocals by Eleni Nasiou & deep bass lines by Maria Roka.
They were formed in 2011 in Athens, Greece and their last work is inspired by social observation hence the name Observe, of their first album and theatrical music performance directed by Emmanouela Charatsi. In present time, Melatonini is working for the second album Excommunication experimenting with more industrial soundscapes.

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