Masterclass Louis Henderson Unfolding of life in a spiral

Unfolding of life in a spiral - Louis Henderson

WE 06.02.2019 10:00 - 17:00

Louis Henderson will present an ongoing project titled "Ouvertures", authored by the artist group "The Living and the Dead Ensemble" (Atchasou, Léonard Jean Baptiste, Mackenson Bijou, Rossi Jacques Casimir, Dieuvela Cherestal, James Desiris, James Fleurissaint, Louis Henderson, Cynthia Maignan, Olivier Marboeuf and Zakh Turin). "Ouvertures" questions the contemporary relevance of the Haitian revolution through a series of translation workshops, a play by Édouard Glissant and a feature film improvised by "The Living and the Dead Ensemble". The project engages questions of representation and the telling of history through orality and body gesture. Made between France and Haiti, and developed through collective processes of writing and improvisation, the work attempts ways of filmmaking as anti-colonial method. "The Living and the Dead Ensemble" first gathered in July 2017 for the Monsieur Toussaint Sessions workshop at the Centre d’art in Port-au-Prince, where they were working together on translating Monsieur Toussaint (a play by Édouard Glissant) from French to Haitian Creole. Focusing on theatre, cinema, poetry, song, slam and rap, they performed the Kreyòl version of the play in the cemetery of Port-au-Prince as part of the Ghetto Biennale 2017. (presentation and excerpts from the work)

"The Living and the Dead Ensemble" first gathered in July 2017 for the Monsieur Toussaint Sessions workshop at the Centre d’art in Port-au-Prince, where they were working together on translating Monsieur Toussaint (a play by Édouard Glissant) from French to Haitian Creole. Focusing on theatre, cinema, poetry, song, slam and rap, they performed the Kreyòl version of the play in the cemetery of Port-au-Prince as part of the Ghetto Biennale 2017.
(presentation and excerpts from the work)

Louis Henderson is a filmmaker whose works investigate connections between colonialism, technology, capitalism and history. His research seeks to formulate an archaeological method within film practice reflecting on animistic materialism. Henderson has shown his work at places such as; Rotterdam International Film Festival, Doc Lisboa, CPH:DOX, New York Film Festival, Centre Pompidou, Louisiana museum of Modern Art, Tate Modern and Tate Britain, In 2015 he was the recipient of the Barbara Aronofsky Latham Award for Emerging Video Artist at the 53rd Ann Arbor Film Festival, USA, and a European Short Film Award - New Horizons International Film Festival, Wroclaw, Poland. His work is distributed by Lux (UK) and Video Data Bank (USA). After several short films, he is currently at work on his first feature-length film, "Ouvertures", based on a re-reading of the Haitian Revolution, its great heroes and the persistence of their heritage in the bodies and minds of the country's youth today.
Born in Norwich, 1983 and currently living in Paris. In 2007 Henderson received a First Class BA Honours in Film and Video from London College of Communication, and in 2013 graduated with ‘felicitations du jury’ from Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains.

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