My Porny Valentine

Een spicy, queer, porny feest.

film, market
WE 14.02.2024 18:00 uitverkocht

Queer porno is rebellie met glitters. Het is de zandkorrel die de geoliede machinerie van de maatschappij verstoort, een heerlijk schuren tegen onze gepolijste horizonten. Het geeft het tintelende gevoel dat percepties kunnen veranderen.

Valentijnsdag vieren? Zeker weten! Jouw Valentijn verschijnt op het scherm en in hun ogen ontwaar je het genot van vrije expressie, vermengd met respect en nieuwsgierigheid, dialoog en consent, verlangen en plezier.

Kom delen in kijkplezier, verbinden met lichamen die hun epische verhalen vertellen, luisteren naar stemmen in de marge, lachen om excentrieke films en mooie zielen ontmoeten in pornografische documentaires.


Lost In Projections — 19:00

CLAP !, Clap, BE, 2022, 06’43”

2 OR 3 THINGS I LIKE ABOUT HIM, Paul Stümke, Billy Vega, Jamal Phoenix, DE, 2021, 15’, EN ST FR

EMBRASSE-MOI DU REGARD, Rubis Collective, BE, 2023, 20’30”, FR ST EN

Fiery Feast — 20:00

SNACK TIME, House of Huitlacooch, US, 2021, 5’, EN


BETTER THAN CLEAN, Cochon de Cauchemar, Torri Lisek, DE, 2020, 11’30”, EN ST FR

CUM AS YOU ARE, Hanna Schaich, DE, 2022, 12’28”, EN ST FR

Musicholes — 21:00


PISTA, hyperlinque, BR, 2023, 13’39”, PT ST EN

FUNGHI BOOST, Bande James Bond, BE, 2023, 13’

Docu Time — 22:00

OLD STUFF NEVER DIES, Nour Beetch, Nicky Lapierre, BE, 2023, 20’, FR ST EN

MASTURBATION(S), PornProcess 3, BE, 2023, 16’, FR ST EN

Up Uranus — 23:00

UP URANUS, Tara Emory, US, 2022, 44’, EN ST FR



<3 bring cash <3

Wicked Clarence is a trans owned stainless steel jewellery & accessories brand. Infused with punk, BDSM and queer culture.

George Sade is a woman-owned business. She has created a colourful brand to match her need for kitsch and love of BDSM culture. Vegan harnesses and upcycled goods for everyone! No item is gender specific and all pieces are adaptable to be as inclusive as possible. She'll be bringing some ready-to-wear harnesses, chokers and more. Don't hesitate to ask for a custom piece! 

ZYLE is a self-taught illustrator from Brussels. She's inspired by her experiences as a sex worker, mythological and legendary symbolism and pop culture. Her work, with its bright, contrasting colours and naive style, mixes drawing and text, tenderness and aggression, social femininity and monstrosity.

Maddie, daughter of the sun and the stars. She loves to create communion between souls. She has been practicing tarot for 5 years. For her it's a way to give love and attention to each other. She listens and helps you to find the beauty in your soul. A world of kindness. 

Sometimes vulgar, sometimes poetic, the fusion of Nour Beetch & Nicky Lapierre X Youpron is an authentic cocktail of kitsch & intimacy. Between pop references and subculture, the two collectives come together to deconstruct some of the major porn stereotypes. From the 1930s to the present day, they take up, in their own spicy, fun, queer and anti-conformist way, visuals long assigned to the pleasure of a single genre. Uncompromising, raw and radical, their Hot & Badass magazine is here to make everyone's eyes light up.

With this collaboration, they propose to revisit adult content - which is all too often normative, racist, sexist, homophobic, trans and fatphobic - and turn it into a standard-bearer for queer diversity. A whole heterogeneous universe unfolds around this industry: from the scenography of a porn magazine publishing office to the catalogue of the most beautiful covers, from wild posters to sensitive manifestos, they offer a space to question the representation of phantasms.

Fogo (she/he/they) follows their life path through the sharing of healing practices in various forms. As a Holistic Practitioner (one of their hats ), he shares their knowledge and senses for the expansion of themself, the community and the world while connecting to the body-mind centre as the focus point of her research. Your cells feel, nourish and live like all the cells that surround us in every living being, and they all carry messages too. Living in your inner world is as important as living in the outer world. How can you understand what's going on in the universe of your body if you're not connected to it?

Through the energetic hand massage they offer, you can listen to and observe these messages in a soft-core way, letting yourself be guided by their powerful hands. 

Working at the intersection of performance and sculpture, Cee Füllemann (CH/BE) is interested in emphasizing the experience of forms and materials as living organisms. Their recent researches are exploring forms of intimacies and present them as fundamental approaches to create a space for collaborative practice. Their work expands on the politics of kinship and its function in the production of intimate knowledge.
For my porny valentine market, Cee will be offering homemade natural lubricants for your slippery desires as well as a range of hot content ceramics to go with it. The homemade lube is an opportunity to share knowledge about sexual experiences and discuss DIY practices together. This simple recipe offers an easy and natural way to keep all your pleasures slippery.
Stay juicy. 

For this edition, Les Imprimeurs bring hot visuals in live flash print to spice up your clothes! You can bring your own blank or partially printed clothes and we'll personalise them with the visuals of your choice! We'll also have some samples of blank textiles: crop-tops, thongs, T-shirts, clutches... We look forward to embellishing your clothes!

filmselectie door Cilu Dièl

Na een studie sociale wetenschappen (Paris X, Nanterre), vervolgd door filmmontage (Insas, Brussel), regisseert Cilu korte films in vreemde en wonderlijke, maar vaak niet erg deugdzame werelden. Als oprichtster van het Brussels Porn Film Festival en drijvende kracht achter het SNAP! (Sexworkers Narrative Arts and Performance) festival beschouwt ze de artistieke expressie van seksualiteit als een legitiem werk op zich, maar ook als een radicale herbevestiging van macht.

goed om weten

Enkel toegang tot de bar, de markt en de films met een ticket.
Als de filmzaal vol is, zal je even moeten wachten tot de volgende sessie.
Vroeg aankomen = gratis shotje
Neem een (katoenen) kledingstuk mee om te laten bedrukken door les imprimeurs.

My Porny Valentine is voor iedereen. Intimidatie, discriminatie of geweld wordt niet getolereerd. Als je slachtoffer of getuige bent van ongewenst gedrag, praat dan met ons team.

check de vorige edities 

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