[PIAS] NITES: Témé Tan + Few Bits + Sarah and Julian
TH 03.03.2016 20:30

Témé Tan (BE)

Belgian with Congolese roots, Tanguy Haesevoets tells intimate stories with a über-modern pop vibe, mixing soul, hip hop and afro elements. Simply gorgeous. Laurent Hoebrechts/Focus Vif

Few Bits (BE)

Sarah and Julian

Siblings Sarah and Julian have always been surrounded by music. At first they each worked on their songs separately; it was only about three years ago that they began to pool their talents and ideas. Seeing the two of them live, surrounded by an increasingly steady and firm backing ensemble, is a real event: a sister and brother joined into a single entity by the music they create, in a way rarely seen in today's music world.

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