Tim Fendley (UK)
VR 27.04.2012 20:00

Tim Fendley founded Applied to push the bound­aries of infor­ma­tion design. A cen­tral focus is making cities more under­stand­able by pro­viding useful infor­ma­tion, evi­denced by projects in London, Glasgow, Leeds, Brighton, New York and Vancouver. Tim’s work draws on his cul­tural and com­mer­cial expe­ri­ence in envi­ron­mental, edi­to­rial, iden­tity and inter­ac­tive design for clients such as Bosch, Ferrari, Vancouver Translink, Gilbert & George, Orange and Lexus. Tim was the lead designer of the Bristol Legible City ini­tia­tive.

He has a pas­sion for cities and map­ping and a method­ology that encom­passes diag­nostic testing in real sit­u­a­tions mixed with product design pro­to­typing tech­niques. Tim’s recent interest has been to make sense of London, by ini­ti­ating and leading the design of Legible London, a capital-wide pedes­trian wayfinding scheme. When it is com­plete, it will be the most exten­sive of its kind in the world.

see also