Till Nagel & Benedikt Groß
WE 26.11.2014 20:00

Till Nagel

has a back­ground in media and com­puter sci­ence. His research interest are in geo­vi­su­al­iza­tion, urban data, and inter­ac­tion design, with a focus on how to engage broader audi­ences with inter­ac­tive visu­al­iza­tions of tem­pospa­tial data.
He is a research affil­iate with the FHP Interaction Design Lab and the MIT Senseable City Lab, and cur­rently con­ducting his PhD at the Human Computer Interaction group in the Computer Science depart­ment at KU Leuven. Since 2006 he is a lec­turer in cre­ative coding and data visu­al­iza­tion, and taught courses at sev­eral inter­na­tional uni­ver­si­ties.
His work has been exhib­ited at Venice Biennale of Architecture, Shanghai Design Exhibition, DMY Berlin, and has been fea­tured in Esquire, The Atlantic Cities, and Flowing Data, among others.

Benedikt Groß

is a spec­u­la­tive and com­pu­ta­tional designer who works antidis­ci­pli­narily. His work deals with the fas­ci­na­tion of rela­tion­ships between people, their data, tech­nology and envi­ron­ments. He is par­tic­u­larly inter­ested to spec­u­late about these rela­tion­ships in the near future. He uses design as a vehicle to visu­alize poten­tial impli­ca­tions and sce­narios. Benedikt’s working mode can be described most of the time as ‘thinking through making’, his pre­ferred making mate­rial is soft­ware.
In 2013 he grad­u­ated from the Design Interactions course at the Royal College of Art. He received the IxDA 2014 Best Student, the IxDA 2014 Best Concept and the Excellence Award of the Japanense Media Arts Festival for his final RCA grad­u­a­tion projects, ‘Avena+ Test Bed’ and ‘The Big Atlas of LA Pools’.
He is co-author of ‘Generative Design’, which is con­sid­ered being one of the stan­dard books in the field of com­pu­ta­tional design. His work has been pub­lished in Wired, CAN, Form, Page, Weave, Infosthetics etc. and also has been exhib­ited inter­na­tion­ally at the Japanense Media Arts Festival, the Open Data Institute, Ars Electronica, V2_ & the New Institute and the Node Festival.
He now lives in Stuttgart, Germany and tries to bal­ance his time between working with com­mer­cial clients and self initiated/research projects. Currently he is also a vis­iting tutor for Digital Culture and Data Visualization at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd.

see also