Small Talk on identity w/ Sarah Chander

Sarah Chander werkt voor het European Netwerk Tegen Racisme. In haar praktijk richt ze zich op ras- en gendergelijkheid, beveiliging en de rechten van mensen van kleur en migranten in Europa.

TH 18.04.2019 19:00

In this Small Talk on Identity Sarah Chander will have a conversation with Isaiah Lopaz (known from the Really Animated Conversations, The Small Talk on Language and Race,…) about identity focused activism and the need for recognition in society, about the romanticization of identity in activism and the question if it is reproducing normativity. Is identity a barrier to solidarity, between racialized groups versus between struggles? Can we find solidarity through a common experience of oppression? Feel free to join the conversation.

Hosted by Isaiah Lopaz

In English

Part of NORMAL SCHNORMAL, a multidisciplinary programme on normality and other deviations.

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