Maria Tarantino Our City

Screening of the documentary Our City by Maria Tarantino - een film over Brussel.

film screening, documentaire
VR 07.10.2016 17:30 - 19:30

OUR CITY is the portrait of a city. Not the capital of Europe, not even of Belgium but a city that belongs to everyone, a “city of foreigners” that affirms itself more loudly here than elsewhere. Brussels is not New York, it’s multiculturalism does not have an Anglosaxon flavor, meaning that all power and meanings are in the hands of a few trend-setters who gravitate around a few hundred square meters on the island of Manhattan. (...) OUR CITY is a film about a city under construction. On its horizon you can see the profile of cranes and the skeletons of new towers. But what is the human construction that we are putting into place? What is the human profile that surges out of the city? (Maria Tarantino)

The STADSSALONSURBAINS are an initiative of the Brussels Academy and the Brussels Studies Institute in collaboration with Beursschouwburg and Brussels based research centres.

see also