The Post (Film) Collective

Since 2018 The Post Collective has been an autonomous platform of co-creation, co-learning and cultural activism created by and for refugees, asylum seekers, sans-papiers and accomplices. It introduces a range of artistic, cultural and employment opportunities and provides an environment of commoning for its members regardless of their legal status. The collective aims to develop creative alternatives beyond the dominant systems of control and exclusion it is facing. This means facilitating the position where one does not struggle to be assimilated, but instead rethinking and re-conceptualizing critically a future together as a community. The Post Collective develops relationships of kinship, solidarity and co-elaboration with other artists and institutions in Belgium and from various diasporas. find out more

The Post Film Collective, born in 2020 upon the invitation of  Robin Vanbesien, elaborates on the work and experiences of The Post Collective into the realm of cinema.

The Post Film Collective are Mahammed Alimu, Marcus Bergner, Hooman Jalidi, Sawsan Maher, Mirra Markhaeva, Robin Vanbesien and Elli Vassalou.

At Beursschouwburg, The Post Film Collective will continue developing their polyphonic cinema practice with On Recreation, a film that takes its cue from the poem “Recreation” by Audre Lorde, with its connotations of play, reciprocity, care, repetition, and regeneration. In this work and research The Post Film Collective gathers various languages, expressions, and rhythms as a way of preventing the film production from nesting neatly, and preserving relational geographies of connected struggles, imaginaries, and resources. 

On Recreation is produced by timely (Brussels); co-produced by Kunstencentrum Vooruit (Ghent), Beursschouwburg (Brussels); supported by VAF (Flemish Audiovisual Fund), Kunsthal Gent, Netwerk Aalst, ARIA (Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts), Sint Lucas Antwerpen.

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