Jan Martens Sweat Baby Sweat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *A sober yet intense performance about love, beyond all the clichés.*
FR 09.12.2016 20:30 sold out
SA 10.12.2016 20:30 sold out

Sweat Baby Sweat is almost the opposite of what a dance performance is supposed to be: there are not a lot of dynamics or build-up to a climax. It is a performance that slowly dies out, as does the relationship that it presents. Two people cling onto each other – like parasites – and little by little, each consumes the other's energy.

For this performance, Jan Martens (BE) was inspired by the concentration, intensity and symbolism of circus acrobatics. Sweat Baby Sweat is a sensual and slow-moving work that connects acrobatic power and strength with mental fragility. The soundscape and text projections add subtle commentary to the choreography.

2011, 60'

Choreography: Jan Martens
Performance: Kimmy Ligtvoet & Steven Michel
Music: Jaap van Keulen
Video: Paul Sixta
Technical direction: Michel Spang
Coach: Peter Seynaeve
Production: Frascati Productions, ICKamsterdam, TAKT Dommelhof, JAN vzw
Thanks to: SummerStudios Brussels, Marc Vanrunxt

Jan Martens (Belgium °1984) studied at the Fontys dance academy in Tilburg and graduated at the Artesis Conservatory for Dance in Antwerp in 2006. He performed in the work of amongst others: Koen De Preter, United-C, Mor Shani and Ann Van den Broek. In 2009 he started to develop his own choreographic work. In a short time his work received critical and popular acclaim which resulted in a growing number of shows performed mainly in the Netherlands and Belgium.


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