Julian Hetzel/ Frascati Producties The Automated Sniper

The Automated Sniper is a lecture, modern dance and critical pamphlet, as well as an exciting game.

FR 17.03.2017 20:30
SA 18.03.2017 20:30

We are bringing today’s Wunderkind of the performing arts to Brussels! Julian Hetzel is causing a furore with his highly visual theatre, installation works and lecture performances. In a non-linguistic, yet by no means silent way, his work takes on the confrontation with today’s neoliberal economy.

Bare fists – swords – crossbows – guns – rockets – drones. The history of human conflict is a story of ever more brutal force used over ever great distances. The strongest party has withdrawn from the battlefield altogether, to launch bombs from a comfortable control room thousands of kilometres away. What ethics can we still apply now that war and computer games can hardly be told apart, and the enemy has been reduced to a cluster of pixels on a screen? 

The Automated Sniper examines the gamification of violence: two performers are shot at, live on stage, by an operator with a remote-controlled automatic weapon suspended above the audience. The operator is in a safe place in the Middle East, but present through a live internet connection. More than ever before, the act of violence is more virtual than real. What does this distance do to us? A lecture on warfare is literally shot to pieces before the audience’s eyes, culminating in a choreography of fear.


concept & direction: Julian Hetzel 
machine design: Hannes Waldschütz 
dramaturgy: Miguel Angel Melgares 
performers: Bas van Rijnsoever, Claudio Ritfeld, Ana Wild 
technical director: Tymen Bergman 
artistic collaborator: Joachim Robbrecht 
costume design: Karianne Hoenderkamp 
light design: Nico de Rooij 
dramaturgy assistant Luc Groen, Artun Alaska 

BIO** Julian Hetzel (1981) studeerde aan de Bauhaus Universität Weimar visuele communicatie, daarna verhuisde hij naar Amsterdam voor de masteropleiding aan DasArts. Tijdens zijn studie viel hij op met het provocatieve The Benefactor (2011). Hetzel maakt werk op het snijvlak van performance, media en beeldende kunst, met een droog gevoel voor humor en een politieke ondertoon. Zijn werk wordt geproduceerd en getoond door theaters en festivals in diverse Europese landen. Julian Hetzel is ook oprichter en drummer van de electro-pop band Pentatones.


Premiere: March 8th 2017 at Something Raw Festival, Frascati Theater Amsterdam

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