Mothers & Daughters #3

Run by lesbians for lesbians and their friends.

22 DEC — 23 DEC 2017

I was dancing in a lesbian bar, ah-oo, ah-oo I was dancing in a lesbian bar, ooh, ooh, ooh – Jonathan Richman, “I Was Dancing in the Lesbian Bar

For the last three Friday nights of 2017, the team of queer arts magazine Girls Like Us are taking over the Beursschouwburg café and turning it into a lesbian bar.  A third space. A place outside of home and work where lovely people congregate. A safer space. Open for free expression and experimentation. A lesbian space. Run by lesbians for lesbians and their friends.

Not your regular bartenders, not your regular menu, not your regular economy, not your regular programme, not your regular decor and definitely not your regular evening. A nod to a previous generation, who defined lesbian culture, and a tribute to precious lesbian bars everywhere, Mothers & Daughters is a space for celebration and otherworld activities and encounters, in the centre of town.

Music by JUICE, Ill Syll & Princess Century 


In the framework of THE FUTURE IS FEMINIST.

see also