
The date tells us that spring is here.

24 MAR — 30 APR 2014

To celebrate the start of April, we're putting on jazz sounds for you for an entire weekend. Nocturnal mavericks who like experiment and sound are in the right place - that's our place during Jazzeux. Shortly after that we're welcoming the inspired American actor Zachary Oberzan, previously known from the Nature Theater of Oklahoma and recently turned solo. Your Brother. Remember? is the account, both tragic and funny, of his relationship with his brother. In Tell Me Love Is Real Oberzan takes us on an epic quest for recovery from an overdose of Xanax, a journey along a road studded with existential questions.
En route we’re introducing you to something new: a book club initiated by the Fernand Baudin Prize, which awards the finest books in Brussels and Wallonia. Also new is I Comme Iran, a film by Sanaz Azari, which we are premiering.

Fancy some sound? We’ve got classic, Old Man Gloom, Circle, Oathbreaker, Thibet, Quilt, Jungle By Night. Names with a buzz.

See you soon!

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