David Helbich What People Say (2013)
1 OCT 2012 —
30 JUN 2015
beurrshowbrug bourscaubirg beurskalburch borschauberg beursschouwburg
What People Say shows the ‘impossibility’ of the Dutch word Beursschouwburg in a multi-lingual Brussels context and in doing so, the work touches on the essence of the art center's identity.
What People Say had its first appearance in the focus programme I Fail Good, during October 2012 at Beursschouwburg’s façade. Beursschouwburg bought the piece after the exhibition and will have it there for the next two years.
2012 - ca 2014
Installation: façade signage
Plexiglas and ferrit magnets
Thanks to Christoph Ragg, Younes Zarhoni, Thomas Laureyssens, timelab Gent, Beursschouwburg