Pieter De Buysser
associated artist
Pieter De Buysser is writer, director and performing artist. He studied philosophy in Antwerp and Paris. Recurring themes in his work include the interwining of fact and fiction, excercises in "sense of possibility" and the imaginary of resistance. In 2016 he founded with artist Thomas Bellinck ROBIN.
see also
Vica Pacheco
associated artist
Céline Gillain
associated artist
associated artist
Louis Vanhaverbeke
associated artist
Christina Stuhlberger
associated artist
Hana Miletić
associated artist
associated artist
Zoë Mc Pherson
associated artist
Alpage Records
associated artist
Olivia Rochette & Gerard-Jan Claes
associated artist
Miet Warlop
associated artist
associated artist
associated artist
Busy Rocks
associated artist
Auguste Orts
associated artist