Bára Sigfúsdóttir & Eivind Lønning Tide

Improvisation and structure, dance and music, body and trumpet flow through each other and become one.

SA 12.10.2019 20:30

‘Tide' melts music and dance into one experience, where structure and improvisation alternately sweep over each other like waves on the shore. Two bodies, two masses, attract each other. Movement and stillness continually swap places, leaving only traces. This piece blurs the boundaries between music and dance until they disappear completely. The same goes for the audience member, whose whole body is engaged in viewing, listening and feeling.

Bára Sigfúsdóttir is an Icelandic dancer and choreographer who studied dance in Reykjavik and Amsterdam as well as in Brussels at P.A.R.T.S. After a number of years working and touring with various companies, she is now focusing on her own creations. In 2015 her piece ‘The Lover’ premiered at Beursschouwburg, a production that won prizes in the categories dancer and choreographer of the year at the Icelandic Performing Arts Awards in 2019. In her work Sigfúsdóttir explores timelessly contemporary questions such as the relationship between humankind and nature, body and society. Her starting point is usually a form of organised improvisation. It was in this way that her exchange and collaboration with Eivind Lønning came about for ‘Tide’. The Norwegian composer-trumpeter is already highly celebrated for his unique sound, which stems from extensive research into improvisation within a strict musical structure, as well as techniques for playing a single piece for an extremely prolonged duration.

As part of ‘We Love You’, a multidisciplinary programme on love beyond the romantic and the self - sep oct nov dec 2019.


45', no language

choreography and dance: Bára Sigfúsdóttir, music created and performed by: Eivind Lønning, co-production: kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek, with the support of: kunstencentrum nona, Slaturhusid Egilsstadir, Reykjavik dance atelier and Scenehuset Oslo, with the financial support of: Funding for Norwegian and Icelandic Collaboration, Art Council Norway, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie and the Mobility Fund of the Nordic Culture Point, thanks to: An De Hondt.

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