Bâtard - Day 3: Silke Huysmans & Hannes Dereere, Lulu Obermayer, Riley Harmon, Anne Reijniers & Rob Jacobs
FR 04.11.2016 19:00 - 23:00

© Gert Jan Van Rooij
© Gert Jan Van Rooij

Riley Harmon A method for blue logic


In 2012, Riley Harmon received an email from a conspiracy theorist. He was confused with a homonym, an actress who would have been created by the government to mislead the media. As an uncertain exploration of this mail he created the film A method for blue logic: in which you lose grip on what is real and what isn’t.

Relentless - Tom Engels invites ...


What does it mean to perform today? What do we want to perform? What do we want to stand for? What matters? What brings us to doing what we do? Why do we keep insisting, fighting waves of incompatible thoughts? What do we lend our bodies and minds to? What do we want to be penetrated by? Shall we be relentless? Shall we embody that which never seizes? Lingering questions in a world facing crises – manifold and manywhere.
On the occasion of Batard 2016, Tom Engels publishes relentless, a volume of fierce pieces by Bojana Cvejić, Samlingen (Amanda Apetrea, Nadja Hjorton, Stina Nyberg, Halla Ólafsdóttir and Zoë Poluch), Göksu Kunak, Bryana Fritz, Hana Miletić and a pirate. During three consecutive evenings, Tom Engels invites guest to launch the publication.

© Avener Prado
© Avener Prado

Silke Huysmans en Hannes Dereere Mining Stories

20:00–21:00 & 22:00–23:00

In the documentary theatre performance Mining Stories, Hannes Dereere and Silke Huysmans bring together different perspectives on one catastrophic event. Their starting point is the recent mining disaster in Brazil (November 2015) nearby the house where Silke grew up as a child. A mud stream, caused by a dam failure, washed away several villages. After this disaster, Silke and Hannes started to collect the stories of different voices who are all related in one way or another to the disaster and brought them together in a sound patchwork. All of them (habitants, scientists, historians, activists, neurologists, fisher men and politicians) tell their version of the story with their particular context and interest. In this performance they take a look at the different kinds of understanding which appear in the encounter of the different voices.

Anne Reijniers & Rob Jacobs – Échangeur


In the streets of the metropolis of Kinshasa, young Congolese imagine their version of the colonial past. While archival footage shows how the statue of explorer Stanley is being towed by a crane, a Lumumba imitator is looking for former president Mobutu. A man scrubs manhole covers until the word 'Leopoldville' becomes legible again. A boy with a whitewashed face, tropical helmet and whip, dances with ghosts on a roof. After the Democratic Republic of Congo gained independence, the Belgian colonial monuments were removed from Kinshasa's public squares. Today they stand side by side in the Congolese National Museum. In Échangeur emerges an imaginary city around an empty pedestal, where archival footage, performances and present-day Kinshasa interact.

Talk HUMAN/NON-HUMAN COLLABORATIONS: PEFORMING (WITH) MACHINES with Bryana Fritz, Néstor García Diaz and Jaha Koo


To open up a new space for encounters and shared thinking within the festival programme, this year, Batard would like to introduce to you the invited artists in a series of public talks. Each night two artists/collectives will join Maria Rößler for a conversation about concepts and questions that they are concerned with in their artistic research. These talks are a unique opportunity to get to know the international festival artists outside and beyond their performances. They will take place each night of the festival, in the time between two performances. Admission is free.
Maria Rößler lives and works between Amsterdam and Berlin. She studied Theatre and Media Science in Berlin and Dublin. As a producer and dramaturge, she has worked for performing arts productions, festivals and conferences. From 2013 until 2016, she was part of the artistic programme team of Foreign Affairs festival at Berliner Festspiele. Besides, she pursues independent projects including an on-going collaboration with technologist Nathan Fain. Together they developed the performance “Right Is the Might of the Community. A lecture on future democracy“, commissioned by HAU Berlin, which was presented by Batard in 2015.

Lulu Obermayer Tosca

20:00–21:00 & 22:00–23:00
Vissi D'Arte,

Vissi D'Amore,
Non feci mai male ad anima viva
I lived for art,
I lived for love,
I never harmed a living creature.

In this performance 9 bars of the Aria Vissi D´Arte from the opera Tosca are being isolated from the plot and looped. Performer Lulu Obermayer lends her voice and body to an ontological and existential inquiry which Tosca within the narrative structure of the opera is not allowed to have. A duet between the live body of the performer and the mediated bodies of the speakers is taking place and opens up space for reflection. It raises questions: what does a life for art mean? What does a life for love mean? What are the consequences? Is it even possible? And along the way, isn't it unavoidable to harm someone?

Silke Huysmans en Hannes Dereere Mining Stories

Concept: Hannes Dereere, Silke Huysmans 
spel: Silke Huysmans | coaching: Dries Douibi
gesprekken: William Adeodato, Roliene Almeida, Lindsay Newland Bowker, Andres, Xavi Camacho, Eduardo Campos, Stef Craps, Luc Crevits, Paul De Grauwe, Roberto De Lima, Du Duarte, Juliano Duarte, Ana Elisa Novais, Adelaide Luiza Novaes Dias, Vander Sebastião Martins, Maria Clara Mendes, Cristina Pereira, Dona Hebe Rola, Mathijs van de Sande, Preta Suares e.a.
productie: Kunstenwerkplaats Pianofabriek & Bâtard Festival
coproductie: Vrijstaat O./De Werf| residenties: CC De Grote Post, Kunstencentrum Vooruit, Veem house for performance
decor: Frédéric Aelterman, Luc Cools
beeld: Tom Callemin
transcripties: Luanda Casella, Miguel Cipriano
tolk: Minne Huysmans
dank aan Roliene Almeida, Marcelo Queiroz D’Angelo, Tom Callemin, Cria Mariana, Griet Deconinck, Jan Dereere, Lieve Demin, Maria Dé Fatima Santos, Hilde De Rop, Charlotte De Somviele, Dries Douibi, Minne Huysmans, Johan Joris, Cristina Pereira, Michiel Vandevelde, Karlien Vanhoonacker, Nathan Wouters
with the support of/met steun van SABAM For Culture

Anne Reijniers & Rob Jacobs Échangeur

a film by: Rob Jacobs and Anne Reijniers
with: José Batekele, Jude Mansita, Klarchi Ngonde, Ange Katalea, Dieu Ndebo, Tiliton Kuzana, Docha Glody, Vialig ze Ngonde, Kimvuidi Lema Chef, Banzila Yemeyi Desire, Arqabound Kabunda Mbuyi Mick, Widjo Wiyombo, Erwan Soumhi research: Davy Verbecket, Rob Jacobs, José Maria Masanga, Nizar Saleh Hirji, Widjo Wiyombo, Anne Reijniers
production: Rob Jacobs, Anne Reijniers, Thijs Paijmans, Koen Bleuzé, De Imagerie, Het Bos
image: Anne Reijniers
sound: Anne Reijniers and Erwan Soumhi
editing: Rob Jacobs and Anne Reijniers
sound editing: Aïda Merghoub
sound mixing: Michel Coquette
grading: Thijs Paijmans
advice: Elias Grootaers, Martine Huvenne, Lotte de Bruyne, Hilde D'Haeyere translation: Veerle Duflou, José Maria Masanga, Nizar Saleh Hirji, Aïda Merghoub, Christopher Daley
title design: Mario Debaene

Lulu Obermayer – Tosca

Concept and Performance: Lulu Obermayer
Dramaturgy: Aline Benecke
Mentoring: Sandra Umathum, Florian Feigl, Boyan Manchev
Production: Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum für Tanz, MA Solo Dance and Authorship

see also