Yôkaï, Brikabrak Docu Night, Ignatz, Robbing Millions, Miaux, Laryssa Kim, Victor De Roo, Vica Pacheco, Apulati Bien, M I M I, Culte, Cheb Runner, Obsequeen, Hiele, Céline Gillain, Cabasa, Mika & Maoupa, SKY H1 & Lawrence Le Doux, Sagat, Cheb Runner, Cléo, Roxy Rose, Supafly DJ’s, KRAAK, Elvin Brandhi, Tomi Yard, Montage, Daisy Darkpark, épong, crat ...

On the other end of the Beursschouwburg, way back on the ground floor, you'll find BEURSCAFÉ. A fluid twilight zone where you can enjoy DJ sets, drinks, movies and (*heart beats faster*) live concerts. Yokaï, Laryssa Kim, Victor De Roo, Ignatz, Miaux and other artists are looking forward to seeing you again.


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