
We're celebrating our 50th birthday. Hooray!

5 FEB — 30 JUN 2015

Let’s applaud 50 years of evolution, revolution, construction and deconstruction.

We will kick off the anniversary year with a marathon fest of no less than 50 hours!
All info click here

From February till July 2015, Beursschouwburg will showcase a programme ‘under construction’, with music, theatre, exhibitions, friends old and new, films, a book and cake. It won’t be a regular trip down memory lane, we’ll be unveiling the future, too. The programme includes a selection of what the Beursschouwburg was during its 50-year history and what, in our opinion, it might become in its next millennium: a platform within the arts, embracing the hybrid.

Full calendar

We’re concluding the Beursschouwburg’s first 50 years in style – vertically, way up high on the roof terrace – during Out Loud! and – laterally, in the neighbourhood - during Klinkende Beurs, a knowing nod at Klinkende Munt and Mallemunt of bygone days.
Welcome, as of old!

Naar aanleiding van onze 50ste verjaardag brengt LANNOO Beursschouwboek 1965-2015. Over een cultuurrebel in Brussel uit. Klik hier!

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