BIG in BXL Festival

Festival for big talent from young Brussels.

SA 24.11.2018 17:00

During the BIG in BXL festival youngsters between 13 and 20 years old will take centre stage to present their skills! The audience will be able to experience concerts, performances and art works of young Brussels talent during a guided tour.

For BIG in BXL JES and Beursschouwburg joined forces with Lowkey and the Bledarte collective. These two young ambitious initiatives both create a platform for urban and visual artists from Brussels to be able to express themselves. For BIG in BXL these two collectives were responsible for a large part of the content of the program.

A new generation of young hip hop artists connected to De Studio JES Brussels will feature in their own showcase. The Urban Center led by Greg Lox will make sure dance will be represented during the festival as well. Young theatre writer and actor Ilias (with his theatre company La NpN) and young theatre makers Lente en Linde will guide the audience through this exciting journey while also providing surprising theatrical interventions.

During the summer BIG in BXL and its nomadic open stage could already be found in Molenbeek, Anderlecht and in the centre of Brussels. Young aspiring artists could already grab the chance of sharing their talents with the audience present.
Afterwards they were offered the opportunity to develop their act and present their new & improved version again on the 24th of November during the festival. The artists were challenged to think about where and how in the building they want to present their work.
With this BIG in BXL shall reach its climax and wants everyone to her, loud and clear: undeniable talent can be found everywhere in Brussels! 

It will be an evening filled with a wide range of different surprising acts that will highlight Brussels young talent with a BANG! Come and experience this take-over and discover the hidden talent of young Brussels.

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