Panel discussion Thinking about Distribution: between projection, dispersion and sharing

A collective reflection on the circulation of films portraying Black bodies and Black subjectivities.

SU 01.10.2023 15:00 CINEMATEK

The film program Black Archive is grounded in questions of distribution and a wish to unbind our narratives from the market logics that frame expectations and tend to promote homogenizing aesthetics.

This round table discussion brings together collectives and practitioners working with and around film archives in relation to memory and transmission, to open up a collective reflection on the circulation of films portraying Black bodies and Black subjectivities, not only within the industry but also in terms of territories, communities and infrastructures.

With Léa Morin and Annabelle Aventurin (Archives Non-Alignées) and Maxime Jean-Baptiste and Eden Tinto Collins (Black Archive).

Moderated by Sorana Munsya

In French


image: The Passion of Remembrance, Isaac Julien & Maureen Blackwood (1986)

see also