BRAUBLFF (materie und laut) V: Gerhard Rühm, Ben Vida feat. Maja Jantar & Inge van den Kroonenberg, Dennis Tyfus & Florian Cramer

5th installment in the ongoing research project by DE PLAYER (Rotterdam) & KRAAK (Ghent) on where and how language transforms into music.

concert, dj set
FR 22.01.2016 20:30

One possible answer: the point where language loses its meaning and dissolves into pure matter, through repetitions, mutations and deconstruction, whether aided by technology, cut-ups and tape manipulation or not.
The origin of the series was a shared obsession with the work of vocal poets such as Henri Chopin, Byron Gysin, Lars-Gunnar Bodin and the Revue OU Catalogue. In three editions, she presents the current state of affairs with regard to the language-matter-music issue by bringing together modern-day vocal poets, text-sound composers and pioneering avant-garde work since the 1950s.

With Kraak & De Player

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