Breunion Boys

As part of an evening full of music, debate, poetry and more, we’ll discuss the future of a European Union without quarrelsome Brits, asking how it could have come to this and thinking about relationship therapy. w/ deBuren

lecture, concert
TH 28.03.2019 19:30

With numbers such as ‘Britain Come Back’ and ‘The Real Deal’, the Dutch boyband The Breunion Boys has one mission: to seduce the Brits into staying with the EU. Join us to witness their first performance in Belgium!

London-based, Belgian poet-performer Elise Wouters will share an erotic anti-Brexit poem with us. She’ll also talk about her experience of the run-up to Brexit in the city she’s called home since she was 17.

VRT journalist and England expert Flip Feyten is co-author of the book “Stiff Upper Lips: Waarom de Engelsen zo Engels zijn” (‘Why the English Are So English’). He’ll be connecting the dots between the nature of the British people and Brexit. Was the separation inevitable?

Hendrik Vos, political scientist and professor of European Studies at the University of Ghent will share his vision of the future of Europe without the Brits. 

Hylke Vandenbussche is professor International Economics at the Catholic University of Leuven. Her book "De Brexit-saga" will be launched on March 29.

The presenter / moderator of the evening is Tijn Sadée, Brussels correspondent for NRC, NOS and VPRO.

w/ deBuren

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