Brussel onthaalt!
WE 23.04.2014 20:00

Everybody has his or her own opinion on integration. But who knows the real story? In Brussels, more than 100.000 of the newcomers have arrived less than 3 years ago. But there is still no trace of a joint Brussels welcome policy. Not because of lack of organisations: there are almost 90 French-speaking and 1 large Dutch-speaking organisation (bon) doing ‘something’ for newcomers.

But the winds are turning. Politicians are busy redrawing the welcome policy. With the elections of 25 May ahead, this is the perfect moment to ask the politicians some pressing questions and put some thorny subjects up for discussion. The politicians who will be angling for the favour of the voters on the 25th of May will cross swords on April 23. The names of participating politicians will be confirmed later.

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