Olivia Rochette & Gerard-Jan Claes Because we are visual
film screening
SA 19.01.2013 21:10
TH 10.04.2014 10:30

In Because We Are Visual Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes immerse themselves in the world of public video journals. The internet and its online communities strive to bring people closer together and to connect them. Yet, surprisingly, it seems that the virtual world confronts these so-called ‘vloggers’ more than ever with their own loneliness.
This documentary allows the viewer to explore this contemporary phenomenon and focuses on the experience of the body within this virtual space. By means of visual material gathered from online sources, the cineastes create a unique poetic realm in which thoughts, fears, desires and worries, shared via the webcam, merge together.

Die Zeit: Do you concern yourself with new media and technology? Jean-Luc Godard: I try to keep up. But people make films on the Internet to show that they exist, not in order to see something. 
- Die Zeit, 16.12.2008

In English

BE, 2010, 47min, video


Directors: Olivia Rochette &Gerard-Jan Claes
Editing: Olivia Rochette & Gerard-Jan Claes
Sound editing: Olivia Rochette & Gerard-Jan Claes
Editing advice: Elias Grootaers & Nico Leunen
Sound mixing: Michel Schöpping
Extra sound design: Billy Bultheel, Wiet Lengeler
Sound advice: Michel Schöpping, Martine Huvenne, Elias Grootaers
Music: Mount Kimbie, Ethan Rose, Billy Bultheel
Grading: Olivier Ogneux
Titling: Mario Debaene
Mentors: Elias Grootaers, Martine Huvenne, An Van Dienderen
Audio postproduction: Klink Amsterdam
Video postproduction: Caviar Brussels

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