car free sunday

Brunch, bike repair, workshops, performance, expo, concerts and fun ▬▬▬▬▬ free and for all!

breakfast, performance, concerts, workshop, expo
19.09.2021 11:00 - 19:00

11:00 brunch & aerobics with Professeure Postérieur
11:00 > 19:00 expo Sina Hensel
15:00 + 16:30 public performance Sara Leghissa 
13:00 > 17:00 workshops & ateliers 
>> workshop color portraits with Sina Hensel
>> hobby horses klub with Micha Goldberg & Cultureghem
>> spoken word workshop & beatmaking workshop with Jay MNG, SVDU, Mambele & Bronks
>> queer bike workshop with Dynamonik
>> bike repair with Cyclo
17:00 concert PEGA
18:00 concert Stakattak 
19:00 end

Scenography by Sophia Holst, Deal_bxl, That Might Be Right from Level Five

These rules apply in and around Beursschouwburg: 

- You must wear a mask, unless when you're seated at a table.

- You can sit on our terrace in groups of up to 8 people. (Baby's and toddlers do not count.) 

- You must try to maintain a distance of 1.5 metres from people who are not part of your group.


Thank you so much for helping us to make this a Covid-safe weekend for all!

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