Debate Brussels & its outskirts

How does Brussels see its edges, the city 'suburbs', and in their turn, how do these towns and villages perceive their capital? For as long as we can remember, the outskirts and the city have had a troubled relationship. We ask ourselves, where do these differences lie? Where do the difficulties arise? What does a 'boundary' do to the way a person feels?

debate, lecture
FR 16.09.2016 20:30

Are the city of Brussels and its suburbs doomed to eternal bickering, or could their close proximity in fact offer opportunities for a better future? What do the people in the outskirts expect of Brussels? And vice versa: what do Brussels' residents think of the green belt and the people who live there? What are we to do with the metropolitan community as it bursts at the seams on every side? So there you have it. We face so many questions! So we are therefore organizing a debate. We are beavering away, searching for experts in the field who can help us resolve our issues. This is certain to be an exciting and a burningly up-to-date evening!!

NL spoken


  • Filip De Maesschalck
  • Eric Corijn.
  • Els Leysen
  • Elio De Bolle

  • Dave Sinardet, VUB and Université Saint-Louis (video)

with Brussels Academy

see also