Culte Listening Session
Culte agency presents their yearly listening session with live shows and DJ sets by their artists. Reserve your spot!
live show,
dj set,
- 23:00
sold out
LIVES - on reservation
15:00-17:00 Obsequeen, Hiele, Simon Halsberghe >> Beurscafé
17:30-19:30 Céline Gillain, SKY H1 & Lawrence Le Doux, Mika Oki & Maoupa Mazzocchetti >> Gouden Zaal
20:00-22:00 Weird Dust, Cabasa, Sagat >> Beurscafé
DJ'S ON THE ROOFTOP - without reservation
16:30 Rrita Jashari
17:30 Alfred Anders
18:30 Clara!
19:30 Hypna
20:30 Zeta Lys
21:30 DJ Athome
22:30 dj.Alex
This event is supported by Sabam For Culture, KBS-FRB, Playright+ and Vlaanderen -Departement Cultuur, Jeugd & Media (Culturele Activiteitenpremie)
Artwork by David M.
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