Cyra Gwynth + Izaya Mod

A double dose of hottttttttt R&B, for all the feels & all the dance moves.

WE 29.09.2021 18:30

Cyra Gwynth, the Belgian princess of the genre has been releasing a couple of singles a year since 2018, showing off her growing and blossoming as an artist. This results in a growing production team for her sounds & visuals, new collabs with other artists and an ever-growing fan base, both in intimate settings and on creaking dance floors.

Paris-based Izaya Mod's solo musical oeuvre is often sensitive and emotional, sometimes wildly exhilarating and always completely authentic: he composes, produces and masters all of his music himself. He's already been on stage at AB as a support act, but now he brings his multiverse of experimental sounds to Beurscafé.​​​​​​

18:30 doors
20:00 Cyra Gwynth
21:00 Izaya Mod
00:00 end


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