Dag van de Dans: Brussels dance in moving image

Documentaries, trailers, video’s by/with/about Brussels choreographers

SA 29.04.2017 15:00

(un)usual - Benjamin Vandewalle / MUS-E

In this documentary dance film we see the world through the eyes of 13 children, who move in space and in their thoughts. Through workshops of practical philosophy and contemporary dance a group of young people from a Brussels primary school explored the relation between thinking, intuition and movement. By turns funny and thought provoking, we watch them as they are discovering (un)usual ways of dancing and thinking.

Also on view by Benjamin Vandewalle: Touche, finalmovements, 4x4 Birdwatching

Here After - Ultima Vez/Wim Vandekeybus

Here After is a cinematographic adaptation of the dance/theatre performance Puur (2005 - choreography & direction Wim Vandekeybus). This middle length experimental film is a mixture of fiction and dance, a combination of trashy but beautiful Super8-images with later edited Super 16-images. Here After tells the story of an isolated community in which a power-mad tyrant commands an infanticide.

Heroïne - Kobalt Works/Arco Renz

This movie offers a cinematic interpretation of the eponymous choreography by Arco Renz, created in 2004. Heroïne is based on one of the fundamental differences between Eastern and Western cultures in performing arts: the notion of vertical time and space in the East opposed to horizontal time and space in the West. Three spirals (dance, music, light) unfold as one in a time-space continuum. The movie creates an intense and sensual feeling of proximity and intimacy between the viewer and the entrancing virtuoso performance of Wen-Chi Su.

Coke Kobalt Works/Arco Renz

The German choreographer, Arco Renz, has travelled to Manila for Coke, where he worked in a dance studio along with seven Filipino performers from diverse backgrounds: dancers, actors, a drag queen and some members of the girl group 'Sexbomb Girls. This extremely sexy group from Manila is the most successful Filipino pop act of all time. Coke is about how daily life in Manila is steeped in dance: on TV, in bars and clubs, on stage. People are always dancing. Dance is the key element in a powerful entertainment industry, encouraging the public to indulge in escapism and consumption.

Hundred Eighty Albert Quesada

Hundred Eighty presents a precise and sober dance for the camera. By turning the camera upside down, what we know about gravity is put into question. Simple moves makes us shift our way of seeing. This video displays the difference between “what you are seeing” and “what you think you are seeing” via a body in motion. Rain Olivia Rochette & Gerard-Jan Claes

Filmmakers Olivia Rochette and Gerard-Jan Claes followed the rehearsal process from the auditions to the opening performance of Rain, a choreography by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker for the world renowned Ballet de l’Opéra national de Paris. The documentary focuses on how De Keersmaeker and the Rosas dancers convey the dance idiom of the choreographer to the classically trained ballet dancers. The rigidity of ballet gives way to another kind of severity, namely the mathematical pattern of Rain, which, however, conceals a powerful emotional layering. A poetic documentary about searching, looking and hesitating within the walls of the opera, which at times can be claustrophobic. This door is too small (for a bear) Grace Ellen Barkey & Needcompany

In This door is too small (for a bear), Grace Ellen Barkey has created a visual idiom of her own that adds to her quest for ‘how to free your mind’, looking for that part of the mind that has not yet been fathomed. Frank Zappa’s motto, "To me, absurdity is the only reality", is the thread that runs through her new production, in which she balances between surrealism and the psychedelic.

FOREVER Lemm&Barkey & Needcompany

For FOREVER, Grace Ellen Barkey drew on ‘Der Abschied’ by Gustav Mahler, a song that he wrote when he was diagnosed with a fatal heart disease. The song, and orchestration in fact, are sung by Maarten Seghers in intimate surroundings in tribute, backed by dancers and the installation. The score of Mahler's 'Der Abschied' is clearly visible in the choreography.

see also