Dernière Volonté + Luminance
SA 17.10.2015 22:00

Dernière Volonté (Last Will, in English) is the name under which French musician Geoffroy D writes his own music. Throughout an 'industrial' early period, Geoffroy tended to write a fusion of martial music and dark ambient. Choosing to focus on atmosphere, rhythm, and historical samples, he left little emphasis to be placed on vocals and melody. However, with the release of his 2003 effort, Les Blessures De L'Ombre, Geoffroy took a new direction, applying his martial style to verse-chorus song structures and pop melodies.
Geoffroy is featured as a guest artist on the Der Blutharsch albums When all else fails! and Time is thee enemy!, as well as multiple singles.

The band still plays occasional live shows.

LUMINANCE s’est maintes fois produit en concert en compagnie de groupes phares du mouvement tels que Lebanon Hanover, Soft Metals , Phosphor, Sally Dige, et bien d’autres. Les sets présentés sont toujours différents, envoutants et délicats comme dansants et rythmés.

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© Luminance

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