Des Blocs on tour

On the last day of their exhibition, the Des Blocs collective invites two young rappers from the neighbourhood, a dance collective and Des Blocs radio.

music, dance, radio
WE 09.03.2022 17:00

18:00 RadioDesBlocs show
19:00 tbc
19:30 Sousou standup 
20:00 DZ Style music showcase
20:30 JIN_RO dj set (Bledarte Collective)

The Model City in Laeken is an unfinished modernist dream. Much of the "autonomous housing unit" to be inaugurated at the 1958 World's Fair was never built. The imposing residential towers were, however, and today they house a mix of people, families, clubs, associations, organizations - you name it.

With the cultural center at its core, the collective Des Blocs emerged from a number of these associations. Since 2015, they have been developing an artistic project with and for the residents of the Model City, through initiatives and summer workshops in various disciplines. Since 2017, their project culminates in the Festival Des Blocs: for a short time, different spaces in the Model City become a theater, cinema, exhibition space, concert venue, radio studio or calligraphy studio in which public involvement always lies central.

After this year's festival in the Model City, all of this creative output will tour the rest of Brussels, keeping with its open, inclusive and welcoming attitude.


Photo credit: A participant of the photo workshop 2017

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