Hannes Verhoustraete 28 Rue Brichaut

In 28 Rue Brichaut, Hannes Verhoustraete investigates different ways of looking at the future, in an attempt to trace the history of his house.

film, single screening
TH 05.03.2015 20:30

This genealogy is an investigation into time as much as an attempt to map different experiences and memories connected to a specific space.

BE, 2013,31’35”

Directing, filming and editing: Hannes Verhoustraete
Sound: Nina de Vroome, Ruben Desiere, Liesbeth Beeckman
Text and voice: Hannes Verhoustraete
Sound Mixing: Michel Coquette
Colour Grading: Tom Mulder
Mentoring: Elias Grootaers, Stoffel Debuysere and Martine Huvenne

see also