A speleological journey from prehistoric Spain to its darkest days during the Franco regime.

Artist Film, documentary
WE 18.04.2018 20:30 avant-premiere

As you may have noticed, mining is a theme that we are embracing this year. Remember our Mine The Gap program in February. Ojo Guareña is a synaesthetic continuation of that programme, a fascinating journey through space and time! 

A group of speleologists enter Ojo Guareña, a gigantic cave system in Spain. Inside the cave, the prehistoric traces and contours of the spaces are almost impossible to comprehend, all the more reason why we so clearly hear the continually dripping water, always 're-creating' the form of the cave, the echo of human footsteps, the memories of speleologists and the revolutionary songs against Franco's dictatorship, and the cries of dead animals.

Those who experienced Edurne Rubio's Light Years Away will know that they can await a new immersion into a most beautiful darkness.


BE | 2018 | 70’ | ov es - subs en

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