Expo visit with Sina Hensel

Walk through the project ‘Ava’ and meet artist Sina Hensel.

guided tour
FR 12.11.2021 18:00

Sina Hensel’s research on natural pigments navigates through processes of transformation, interaction and interdependence. Trained as a painter, Hensel’s dyes test the temporality of matter: fabric, pigment, clay and resin gradually mutate in reaction to light, heat or air. The exhibition space becomes a laboratory displaying the tools, devices and imprints used to translate an experiment in thinking and (un)making through colour. While alluding to the histories of exploitation and mass pollution that run alongside the textile trade, Hensel’s work embarks on an inquiry into the ‘complex infrastructure of environmental relationships’ that occur through metabolic processes, nurture and mutual affection.


Sina Hensel (b. 1986, Mainz, DE) is a visual artist based in Brussels. Since 2019 she is a research associate at RWTH Aachen University at the Chair of Visual Arts in the Architecture Department where she pursues her research on pigments and their transformations. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe and Hamburg in 2012 then moved to Belgium in 2018 to join the Postgraduate Research Program of HISK (Higher Insititue for Fine Arts) in Ghent. Her work has been shown at MHKA- Museum for Contemporary Art Antwerp; CIAP Kunstverein, Genk; Albert van Abbehuis Art Center, Eindhoven; Kunsthaus L6 and Kulturwerk T66, Freiburg; Kunstverein Paderborn; Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin; SouthBlock Glasgow and LaChaufferie Strasbourg. Artistic research residencies brought her to Hangar, Center for Art Research and Production, Barcelona; Tatra National Park; Cairngorms National Park with Beta-Beta Residency and Villa Romana, among others.


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