Fatima Al Qadiri & Khalid Al Gharaballi Mendeel um A7med (NxLxSxM)

An homage to Abdul-Aziz Al Nimish, the legendary actor who performed the roles of mature women when women of that age group were not allowed to perform in public.

looped screening
20 DEC — 22 DEC 2017
In loop from Wednesday → Friday: 12:00 - 22:00

In Mendeel Um A7mad (N x I x S x M), Fatima Al Qadiri and Khalid al Gharaballi investigate the notion of 'gendered space', uncovering the role, context, design and discourse present in the Kuwaiti ritual of Chai Dhaha. 

Chai Dhaha is the largely undocumented custom of pre-noon tea, an informal female forum that exists in parallel to the Diwaniya (the male forum). Set out of context, in a ballroom as opposed to a residential living room, the artists illustrate the absurd spatial conditions of post-oil-boom Kuwaiti interior aesthetics and their supersized ostentation. The Chai Dhaha ritual is enacted by four middle-aged female characters played by a cast of younger men.

KW, 2012,16’
In the framework of THE FUTURE IS FEMINIST.

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