Fatoumata Bagayoko Fatou t’as tout fait

In the dark, Bagayoko rewrites the pain of her circumcision.

dance, performance
FR 21.12.2018 20:30 BE premiere

'I have decided to rewrite the event that I have witnessed several times and was a victim of when it came my own time. I carry suffering and injustice in my body. I feel resentful. A scar, an indelible and irreversible shortcoming that I will hold in myself forever. And I want to claim that pain.’

In red and black, Fatoumata Bagayoko takes the audience into her confidence about (her) circumcision. Pain, fear and immense anger about the irreversible damage that is done to girls in the name of a patriarchal tradition. She raises her voice and honours us with an impressive and courageous solo performance.



In Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere, a generation of young artists are writing their own histories, of their lives and of their homelands. They are creating alternatives, inspired both by current events and by the past. They effortlessly blend languages, forms, and styles, and they don’t shy away from any of the issues. CONNEXION BXL presents work by both upcoming talent and established artists who have an enormous amount to offer Europe. There is no pessimism here, but energy, creativity, and determination. Surprising, inspiring and… imperative. W/ Kaaitheater, KVS, Bozar, Jazz Station & RITCS


In Bamanan, French & English surtitles


Concept, choreography & performance: Fatoumata Bagayoko, music: Strange Way, Manuel Wandji, soundscape & voice-over: Fatoumata Bagayoko, lighting design: Hermann Coulibaly, hanks for their artistic support: Bienvenue Bazié, Régine Chopinot, Lacina Coubaly, Serge Aimé Coulibaly, Lila Greene, Fatou Traoré & Francis Viet, production: Compagnie Jiriladon /  C'est comment, with the support from: Ankata, Simply The Best & Eeg-Cowles Foundation


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