Hannes Verhoustraete (BE) Un pays plus beau qu’avant

A film about Congo, made in Brussels.

WE 05.12.2018 20:30 avant-premiere

The wanderings of a retail trader, Jean-Simon, sketch the contours of a microcosmic informal economy in Congolese society.

The financial urgency of everyday life is permeated by the political situation in Congo: a larger, more abstract urgency, which the diaspora experiences from a distance. The film finds itself somewhere in between these two imperatives, between here and somewhere else, the past and the present, small money and big money.

BE, 2018, 66'

Lingala and French spoken, English subtitled

A film by Hannes Verhoustraete, with: Jean-Simon Mababi Mateta, camera: Hannes Verhoustraete, sound: Lennert De Taeye, Ruben Desiere, Nina de Vroome, Liesbeth Beeckman, edit: Geoffroy Cernaix, Elias Grootaers, Hannes Verhoustraete, sound edit: Valérie Le Docte, sound mixing: Simon Jamart, production: Cassette for Timescapes (Emmy Oost & Magalie Dierick), Onomatopee Films, GSARA, KASK School of Arts, Beursschouwburg, with the support of: VAF, VGC, Fonds Pascal Decroos, Vocatio, Gsara.

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