Imagine looking for young musicians

An international music competition for young talent.

18 NOV — 1 DEC 2013

Until December 1st you can register for Imagine, the all-style music competition for young artists between 12 and 20 years! Bring your music live during the provincial pre-selections and break through to the finals where you can win international concert tours, stage opportunities, studio recordings and coaching!
Are you eager to bring you impressive guitar riffs, booming voice, banging beats or cool solos on stage? It's all possible! As long as it is played live. The pre-selections of Brussels for Dutch speaking musicians take place on Saturday, February 1, 2014at the Beursschouwburg! Do not hesitate and register now on .

Imagine 2014 belooft weer veel goeds: 9 voorrondepodia over heel België met plaats voor 120 groepen uit Vlaanderen en Brussel, een Vlaamse Finale in De Casino en een Belgische Finale in Botanique, juryrapporten met nuttige tips, workshops, jamsessies, coaching door professionele muzikanten, opnames in een professionele studio, concertreizen naar het buitenland en massa's leuke ervaringen!

DEADLINE: 1 december 2013

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