Isabelle Tollenaere Battles

Is a war ever really over? Battles reveals a past that has not come to an end, by scrutinizing the traces which remain in the landscape and the memory.

FR 10.04.2015 20:30 BE premiere

A bomb, bunker, tank, soldier – four archetypes of warfare – lead us through places in Europe where conflicts have occurred in the recent past. We discover the transformation of people, things and landscapes following demilitarization. An elderly man in a country inundated with bunkers, grotesque scenes of a prison camp at night, the final days of antiquated explosives, an army of women working on explodable artillery,…

NL, AL, LV, EN, RU spoken
EN subtitles

BE, 2015, 90 min

Directing: Isabelle Tollenaere
Cinematography: Frédéric Noirhomme
Sound: Kwinten Van Laethem
Editing: Nico Leunen
Sound design: Michel Schöpping
Production: Michigan Films
Co-production: Witfilm, Cobra Films, Beursschouwburg, Tax Shelter Ethique
With the support of: Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, het Nederlands Filmfonds

Battles in Filmmagie, De Morgen & De

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