online, book presentation
TH 11.02.2021 20:00

A disease is consuming the body of Hind and Fatima-Zahra Eljadid's mother. It is a slow and painful process of deterioration, and it comes on top of the fighting divorce from her aggressive ex-husband, and on top of fear and poverty. Kruimeldief is a poetic but raw elegy about motherly affection, saying goodbye, looking back and remembering. But also about white corridors, loveless sheets and ... sisterly love.

Hind Eljadid is an Antwerp-based word artist and writer. She won several awards for her performative word art and with her debut she writes a life down. With her critical thinking she is conquering the literary world word by word.

Fatima-Zahra Eljadid is an illustrator, painter and stop-motion animator from Antwerp. Since 2020, she has been an editorial member of the Comic Guide Flanders and a social-cultural worker at VOEM.

In Dutch

On interlitratour.be

Interlitratour is a collaboration between Arthis – Het Belgisch-Roemeens Cultureel HuisFMDOInternationaal Comité, Koerdisch Instituut, Masereelfonds , VermeylenfondsWillemsfondsMuntpunt

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