Sarah Vanhee & CAMPO Lecture For Every One
FR 03.05.2013 19:00 BE premiere
SA 04.05.2013 19:00
SA 11.05.2013 19:00
SA 18.05.2013 19:00
Without being invited, like a friendly stranger, the artist enters community gatherings uninvited – a board of directors, a court hearing, a neighbourhood association – to give a brief lecture.

Lecture for Every One is not a show. It is an intruder, a gift, a pleasant virus spread- ing through the complex fabric of the city. In this creation, Sarah Vanhee escapes from theatre and goes out into the world. Without being invited, like a friendly stranger, the artist enters community gatherings uninvited – a board of directors, a court hearing, a neighbourhood association – to give a brief lecture... no fewer than forty times during the festival! She infiltrates as many different contexts as possible, always asking the same question: is it possible to address all citizens collectively in our fragmented society? And can it be done other than through rules and laws, simplistic political messages, mass media or advertising? In truth, does a shared frame of reference still exist today? Moving ambitiously and widely around the city, the intention of Lecture for Every One is to break down barriers!
