Milo Rau/ IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder The Civil Wars
17 MAY — 22 MAY 2014
zaterdag 17 mei 20:30 première, zondag 18 mei 18:00, maandag 19 mei 20:30, dinsdag 20 mei 20:30, woensdag 21 mei 20:30 & donderdag 22 mei 20:30

Twenty-five years after the fall of the Iron Curtain and a full decade after 9/11, the Arab Spring gave Europe cause to daydream once again of a universal, pluralistic democratic system.

In Syria, however, the freedom struggle was grounded in a complex and bloody civil war that also raged on subcutaneously in our own cities. The Civil Wars is the result of an intense research and creation process by Swiss theatre director and founder of the International Institute of Political Murder, Milo Rau, provocateur par excellence. Rau focuses on the Syrian conflict from the perspective of young Europeans who forsake everything to go fighting as jihadists.

The Civil Wars brings the recent history of the Arab world into the heart of Europe, where the Islamophobia of the extreme right and anti-Western Islamic fundamentalism come face to face. Starting from interviews with participants and observers of the fight, Milo Rau went on a quest for a different view on the conflict.

The Civil Wars is a merciless sketch of Europe under the spell of the Holy War.

Text & direction: Milo Rau
Performed by: Karim Bel Kacem, Sara De Bosschere, Sébastien Foucault, Johan Leysen
Research & dramaturgy: Eva-Maria Bertschy
Scenography & costumes: Anton Lukas
Video: Marc Stephan
Sound: Jens Baudisch
Research & direction assistant: Aurélie Di Marino
Production manager: Mascha Euchner- Martinez, Eva-Karen Tittmann
Public relations: Yven Augustin
Corporate design: Nina Wolters

Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Beursschouwburg
Production: IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder
Co-production: Kunstenfestivaldesarts in collaboration with Beursschouwburg (Brussels), Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Kaserne Basel, Schlachthaus Theater Bern, La Bâtie – Festival de Genève, Schaubühne (Berlin), Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers
Supported by: Stadt Zürich Kultur, Pro Helvetia, Migros Kulturprozent
Performance in Brussels supported by:
Goethe-Institut Brüssel

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