Oliver Frljić & Mladinsko Theatre Damned be the traitor of his homeland!

Provocative theater on the (re)vival of nationalism in Europe.

FR 04.05.2012 20:30 BE premiere
SA 05.05.2012 22:00
SU 06.05.2012 20:30
TU 08.05.2012 20:30

This is the first time that the young Croatian director Oliver Frljić has been invited to Belgium. In his homeland he has a reputation as something of a ‘theatre terrorist’. Premiered in Slovenia, Damned be the traitor of his homeland! is based on personal stories from his eclectic ensemble of actors. The play has the break-up of Yugoslavia as its backdrop to evoke the rise (again) of patriotism and nationalism in Europe. With reference to stereotypes and other general viewpoints of recent history, Frljić’s ‘theatre-reality’ targets the notion of identity and the sense of belonging, as well as the clichés these invoke. He lays bare the ambiguities nestling at the heart of collective memory, between reality and fiction.
With this forceful show about the trauma of the Yugoslav tragedy, a political farce in which music and the cheerful conversations hide a darkly humorous malaise, Frljić holds up an unsettling mirror to his actors, audience and theatre itself.

Subtitles in Dutch/French

In Slovene

Haute visite on 4/05 at 21:45
Direction: Oliver Frljić
Cast: Primož Bezjak, Olga Grad,Uroš Kaurin, Boris Kos, Uroš Maček, Draga Potočnjak, Matej Recer, Romana Šalehar, Dario Varga, Matija Vastl
Dramaturgy: Borut Šeparović, Tomaž Toporišič
Music, stage & costume design: Oliver Frljić
Assistant to the director & movement consultant: Matjaž Farič
Sound design: Silvo Zupančič
Light design: Oliver Frljić, Tomaž Štrucl
Stage manager: Urša Červ
Presentation: Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Beursschouwburg
Production: Mladinsko Theatre (Ljubljana)

see also