For the project In Search Of Europe, Lucas de Man travelled 17 cities in 8 countries in 30 days and interviewed more than 20 young creative professionals who are trying to improve the society they live in. The new generation in Europe is ready to fight for change.
He noticed the battles of these creators share some common elements. Creators strive to create a society rather than a better society per se. Society is a moment in which people meet each other and share or show their story. The second element creators everywhere share is the battle for a true public space, places of common ground, which need to be reclaimed. A third battle is the one of having, commutating and sharing of visions. Visions are not fleeting, absurd dreams. Visions are concrete, can be executed, are achievable dreams that allow us to look beyond tomorrow. The fourth battle is the one of continuous kicking, biting, questioning, doubting and examining the general way things are. Real change comes from ‘confrontation’ with what is, the ruling systems. The last battle is that of the local and the global. What we do locally reverberates globally. The local is necessary to realize the sense of belonging while the global ensures the work itself is recognized.
Meet the artists after the performance.
EN spoken
Concept, director and performer: Lucas De Man
Video - editing and director: Ruut van der Beele
Camera Ton Vorselaars & Pepijn Robben
Dramaturg, production manager: Kimberly Major
Journalistic support: Tomas Vanheste
Assistant to the director: Tom Dijkstra
Technician: Maarten Snoeck
Collaborators: Matthijs Rümke, Marjolein Roozen, Prof. dr. Hans Trapman, Jonas Staal, Prof. Jan van der Stock, Simon Allemeersch, Prof. dr. Lieven de Cauter, Prof. Michal Targowski, Slawomir Sierakowski, Miasto Jest Nasze, Giorgio de Finis, Niccolo Capponi, Raúl Sanchez Cedillo, Florian Malzacher, Valerio Bonnani, Lotte van den Berg, Engin Önder, Nagehan Uskan, Prof. Emra Safa Gurkan, Anna Lazou, Gared Gutenschwager, Prof. Sokratis Koniordos, Nikos Stampoulopoulos, Poka Yio, Paris Legakis, Christian Utpatel, mmmm art collective, Social Muscle Club and many other scientists, artists and visionaries from The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Greece
Production: Stichting Nieuwe Helden (NL) en Het Zuidelijk Toneel (NL)
In the framework of Europe by the People